September 12, 2005

My man treats me good.

Guess what? My husband bought me an iPod Shuffle over the weekend. Isn't that swell? This way I don't feel guilty about getting it because it was a gift. So I've been putting music on it and playing with it and generally enjoying my new toy. As I've mentioned before, I only need it for jogging, so it's perfect. I actually can't wait to go running tomorrow so I can use it.

My husband also brought home a chinchilla for our daughter last Friday. A lady was giving away her pet chinchilla because she's moving to North Carolina. My daughter's been wanting a chincilla for a long time, but I refused to let her get one because they cost too much money. So when my husband called from work Friday and said he'd seen the ad in the local paper, I told him he could go take a look at it. Needless to say, she was pretty excited about it. So having given away the guinea pigs only a couple of weeks ago, we're back up to a pet head count of four. I don't know how this happens.

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