October 21, 2005

Karaoke Postponed

Sorry, sorry, sorry. But between the pumpkin patch and catsitting and making arragnements for my mother's 60th birtday bash and preparing for my daughter's birthday party tomorrw, I just couldn't get around to doing a karaoke recording. So, to make up for it, I'm putting up this video clip that my friend sent me which is pretty funny and apropos for Halloween. So here it is and come back Monday when I hope to have the karaoke post up for your listening pleasure.


Yesterday evening, my husband asked if he could have the pleasure of taking me out to dinner on the 22nd and I asked why, what's the special occassion and he said, "Uh, our anniversary." So now you see why the karaoke post isn't here. If I couldn't even remember my anniversary (which is our 11th anniversary, by the way) with everything I'm trying to keep straight right now, you can see how singing took backseat to everything else.

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