April 15, 2005

Birds and the bees.

Lately, I have noticed that couple of very special mother/ daughter presentations are taking place at a couple of churches around town. Catholic churches, I'm talking about. It's to explain the birds and the bees in a religiously appropriate manner. What's interesting is that they don't seem to be holding similar father/ son presentations anywhere. I find this disturbing. Does the church somehow think boys don't need this sort of education? Are they focusing on girls because they can get pregnant? Boys should be taught to respect the responsibility of their sexuality as much as girls should. Anyway, it's interesting. I've been teaching my daughter about sex since the time I felt she could sort of understand what I'm talking about. It started out pretty simply, and as time goes on and she has more questions, I get a little more detailed. I think it's really important to establish a dialogue with children because it's never too early to make them feel comfortable about discussing sex. I figure the only thing I can do is give her as much information as possible so that she can intelligently make the sorts of decisions for herself she will encounter. Plus, it's never been anything I've been embarrassed to talk about. I don' t know why people get all worked up about it. I think the people who believe talking about sex will encourage young people to have sex don't really understand much of anything. I think the more they know, they more they will understand the chances they are potentially taking by having sex too early in life. Besides, if I had waited until my daughter was a teenager to start talking to her about sex, I'd never have had the opportunity to hear her say to me, as she did one day while we were in the car: "Mom, I am so happy that Daddy's germ got into your egg so that I could be born." Innocent observations like that just melt a mother's heart.

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