December 15, 2004

What do you think?

I just sent one of my magazines to the printer, so I obviously have a lot of time on my hands right now. Anyway, it's Christmas. Cut me some slack.

What is your stand on.....

Created by spyndakitrose and taken 16975 times on bzoink!

Abortion?Don't advocate abortion but believe every woman should make that decision for herself.
Death Penalty?I'm for it, for the most part.
Prostitution?I don't really think about it. Obviously it's a career choice that involves a lot of potential danger. I think most people involved don't want to be.
Alcohol?I don't have a problem with alcohol.
Marijuana?I don't think it's a good thing and people should abstain.
Other drugs?Same as with mariijuana
Gay marriage?I don't have a problem with it/
Illegal immigrants?They shouldn't be allowed to stay. They're too much of a drain on our system.
Smoking?Don't do it and don't like it when people do.
Drunk driving?Sure everyone should drive drunk. Psych!
Cloning?I think it's pretty dangerous territory and humans are too stupid and too greedy and too blind to ever make it a good idea.
Racism?Don't believe in it. I've been on the receiving end too many times.
Premarital sex?Well, I'd be a hypocrite if I said it was wrong.
Religion?I think religion is important.
The war in Iraq?I don't think it's a bad thing that Sadam is out of power.
Bush?I think he's doing the best he can. It's easy to criticize when you're not the person having to make the decsions.
Downloading music?I don't have a problem with it personally, but I understand musicians are getting under compensated for their work and that sucks.
The legal drinking age?I think it should be 18 because everything else that legally constitutes "adulthood" is doable at 18.
Porn?There's obviously a lot of hurtfull porn (child porn, snuff films, etc.), but generally I think adults should be able to watch what they want (as long as it's not illegal, such as with child porn and snuff films. I'm talking about the mainstream type of porn that involves consenting adults. )
Suicide?It's wrong and people who commit suicide are carrying out a very selfish act.

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